Introductory note to Lenders and Insurers
Thank you for taking the time to review our organization.
We have, over the years, made a strong effort to contact all Lenders and Insurers who share our interest in the various
services we provide to our members. The first page of our web site explains the reason for our existence and how we were
We have recently adopted procedures and practices that mirror the prominent surveyor organization. We feel that a vital
issue regarding the production of an accurate marine survey is knowledge of vessel standards. Therefore each member of ACMS
is directed to be a member of the American Boat and Yacht Council organization. ABYC provides its members with standards and
especially new changes to existing standards.
It is important to note that we share the ideas of other similar organizations with regard to our membership's qualifications
and practices. ACMS is a corporate member of “The American Boat and Yacht Council”.
Please note our Code of Ethics
The surveying of marine vessels is of vital importance to the safety and financial interest of the boating public. It's
importance can't be diminished for any reason. Marine surveyors are expected to maintain their professional persona by
conducting themselves in a proper professional manner at all times. Marine Surveyors must exhibit the highest standards of
honesty and integrity at all times. The Marine Surveyor Indurtry requires honesty, impartiality, and the understanding that their
work may cause unhappiness to some.
I. Fundamental Canons
Marine Surveyors while engaged in their occupation shall: Avoid any act that may be, or seem to be, a conflict of interest.
Realize that the proper performance of their assignment will benefit their client, only. Accept assignments they are qualified for,
and competent to complete.
Avoid any type of deception. Conduct themselves, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the Marine Surveyor trade,
II. Rule of Practice
Members, while engaged in the Marine Surveyor industry, shall behave according to the Fundamental Cannons. We have,
in place, a procedure to discharge a member who violates the Fundamental Canons or whose behavior, as it relates to the Marine
Surveyor Profession is inappropriate or illegal.